#​665 — August 3, 2023

Read on the Web

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Ruby Weekly

Why Rails Needs Components — Do you think having shareable, reusable, easily styled components would make Rails even more compelling? Avi makes the case for (maybe) the next big frontend change for Rails.

Avi Flombaum

Love or loathe the idea, it's great to see Avi put his money where his mouth is by working on bringing the shadcn/ui suite of components to Rails. He's worth 🐦 following on Twitter as he's actively doing a lot of work in this area right now. In related news, Chris Oliver (of Go Rails fame) is working on a set of Tailwind-based components for Stimulus, too.

Smooth Logging for Ruby Developers — Unlock the power of logs with AppSignal. Find all the key information in a few clicks in our clean and intuitive interface. Monitoring doesn’t need to be a hassle, AppSignal is here to help.

AppSignal sponsor

🏆  Nominations Open for Ruby Prize 2023The Ruby Prize is an annual award designed to motivate and reward participation in the Ruby community by giving recognition to people who have benefitted Ruby and its ecosystem over the past year. Ruby’s creator, Matz, chairs the prize and helps with the judging too. Nominations are open until September 10.

Matz and the Ruby Prize Team

You can check out the main winner and fellow nominees from 2022 and 2021 if you want to see which folks have been recognized in the past.

▶️ RubyCademy presents ▶️ a classic talk from the late, great Jim Weirich from RubyConf 2009 about using SOLID principles in Ruby. The principles still stand, and it's great to see Jim speak again.

👋 Amanda Perino of the Rails Foundation introduces us to the team who built the Rails World site.

🎙 Talking of Rails World, if you're a Ruby / Rails podcaster, they're inviting you to host an episode of your show at the conference and are offering some perks in turn.

💎 Over on Twitter, Brad Gessler heaps praise on Phlex and its 'write views in pure Ruby' approach: "The ability to treat a view in Rails as a plain 'ol Ruby object in Rails is such an absurd and ridiculous superpower. Phlex is like TailwindCSS ... it's a really terrible idea, but once you use it you realize everything else is worse."

📕 Tutorials, Articles, and Videos

Using Ruby with Jupyter Notebooks — The ‘notebook’ style of development is fantastic in certain situations (and particularly popular in academia and the AI/ML world) and Jupyter provides the best known platform for working with them, but wouldn’t using Ruby instead of Python be nice? It turns out to be pretty simple to set up Jupyter with a Ruby kernel, even if the ecosystem is somewhat weaker.

Nithin Bekal

Logging in Ruby: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know — Advanced? No. Thorough? Quite. Akshay does a good job at showing off the Logger class, logger levels, and adding logging to a basic Ruby webapp.

Akshay Khot

Fixed Price Monthly Code Maintenance for Rails Apps — No time to do those small but critical updates and features? CodeCare will take care of necessary tweaks, bug fixes, upgrades and ongoing improvements for your app.

Reinteractive / CodeCare sponsor

🤖  Integrating Replicate into a Rails AppReplicate is a cloud-based machine learning platform where you can run all sorts of ML models (including OpenAI Whisper or Stable Diffusion) with per-second billing.

Gowsik Vivekanandan

How to Run Multiple Versions of Rails on Heroku — Perhaps you want to run a different version of Rails on your staging or review app before going to production.

Henrique Medeiros

Elixir Syntax for Ruby Developers: A Quick Intro — We’re not trying to encourage you to drop Ruby – honest.
George Arrowsmith

▶  Advice on Sunsetting a Rails Application with Robby Russell
The Ruby on Rails Podcast podcast

🔊 Generating Audio Waveform Images in Ruby
Avi Flombaum

How to Make a Fly.io GraphQL API Call from Ruby
Mike Coutermarsh

🛠 Code & Tools

Rack::Attack 6.7: Rack Middleware for Blocking and Throttling — A long standing project that provides you with some added options for protecting your Rails and other Rack-based apps from bad clients whether through blocking or throttling their requests. 6.7 is the first update in a year, but adds Rack 3 support.

Rack Project

Tomlib: Fast, Standards-Compliant TOML Parser and GeneratorTOML (named after inventor Tom Preston-Werner) is a simple config file format that’s reminiscent of INI, but better.

Kamil Giszczak

Fully Managed Postgres in the Cloud — The support experience you always wanted! Never hesitate about opening a ticket again due to anticipating a lackluster response.

Crunchy Bridge sponsor

A Gem to Simplify Using Slack's 'Block Kit' LayoutsBlocks are components you can use within the Slack chat system to create interactive messages.

Borja Garcia de Vinuesa Ordovás

Piperator 1.3: Composable Pipelines for Enumerators — Compose streaming pipelines with lazy enumerables. Inspired by both Elixir’s pipe operator and Node.js streams.

Ville Lautanala

Seedie: Generate Realistic Data for your ActiveRecord Models — Seedie uses the Faker gem and a YAML file to seed your database with ‘real-ish’ data so you don’t have to manage a giant seeds.rb file.

Keshav Biswa


TravelJoy | Senior Full Stack Engineer | Remote in USA/Canada | Full-Time — TravelJoy is the market network for leisure travel. Thousands of travel agents love and depend on our product every day.
TravelJoy - Bring the joy back into travel planning

Senior Backend Engineer (Backend) — 12M user devices sent us data daily last week, 6M of them opened the app. Apply your knowledge and help make our users healthier.

Find Ruby Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.