Ruby Weekly
Issue 302 — June 16, 2016
Daniel P. Clark
Seeing “My Rails app is 66% faster with FasterPath” on RubyFlow caught my eye. This is an attempt to improve performance in the heavily used areas of Ruby like path relation and file lookup by reimplementing them in Rust.

Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
A thorough tutorial on creating a chat application with Rails 5, ActionCable, and Devise, complete with authorization and deployment to Heroku.

Julia Evans
A look at how you can go about creating a Ruby equivalent of jstack, a tool that can print the current stack track of a Java program.

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Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski
Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski shows you just how easy it is to make beautiful, interactive charts and graphs in your Rails app.

Leigh Halliday
A look at some different aspects of metaprogramming in Ruby. First, starting with what metaprogramming actually is.

RubySteps Podcast
An hour with prominent Rubyist JEG2 on how he tackles problems with Ruby.


In brief